Friday, April 9, 2010

Al's Adventures

This is a project I have been developing for about 5 years with partners Jackie English and Kiran Sachdev. My contribution is everything visual: concept art, design characters, some storyboards and artistic direction. Our original project was a short interactive animation that explained Einstein's theory of relativity to the lay-person. Check it out here: You can even get a diploma at the end!

After that, we have been trying to develop an animated series. Several demos/pilots followed but we are still looking for funding to get this to air.

Here are some working design images.

1 comment:

  1. Quite an accomplishment. The drawings have an edge to them that keep the reader engaged and make him/her click through page after page.

    No wonder this work was awarded the first prize in the Pirelli Relativity Challenge in 2005.

